Rob (the local term for tidal flooding) that struck the Bandarharjo Village of Semarang City caused losses to the physical, social and economic aspects of the community. The government had implemented a program that focused on improving environmental quality in the form of the Semarang River Polder System Development Program and the NUSP-2 (Neighborhood Upgrading and Shelter Project Phase 2) Program. Both of these programs were efforts made to overcome the problem of tidal floods and their impact on the environment. The purpose of this study was to assess the success of these programs in terms of their usefulness in reducing the vulnerability of the Bandarharjo Urban Village community to the tidal flood. This study used a scoring analysis technique by assessing the success of the program on the criteria of impact, sustainability, and responsiveness according to community perceptions. The results of the scoring analysis showed that the two programs were categorized as ‘successful’. The River Polder System Development Program received a total score of 64.41 and the NUSP-2 Program received a total score of 63.39 from the highest total score of 90. Both the River Polder System Development Program and the NUSP-2 Program did not only provide considerable benefits for community, but it was also effective in overcoming the problem of tidal flooding. However, in the assessment of sustainability criteria, the two programs were included in the ‘less successful’ category because the community’s ability to manage the results of the program implementation independently was still lacking. The government needs to create advanced programs that are more creative so that the sustainability of the Semarang River Polder System Development Program and the NUSP-2 Program will be optimal.
Keywords: Environmental Quality Improvement Program, Community Vulnerability, Rob, Bandarharjo, Semarang