Climate change has become a global development challenge in line with increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases resulting from various human activities, which generally concentrated in cities. Globally, cities are 3% of the area on the earth’s surface, but they contribute 60- 80% of energy consumption and 75% of global carbon emissions (UN, 2015). Although climate change has detected since the industrial revolution, significant climate changes have occurred in the last 30-40 years.

Inisiatif Kota untuk Perubahan Iklim (IKUPI), originally known as the Initiative for Urban Climate Change and Environment (IUCCE), was established to help achieve goals and promote urban resilience to climate change and environmental change. IKUPI encourages collaboration and partnership as well as the involvement of various stakeholders.

Reports​/Activity Documents

Collaboration Projects

100RC / GRCN

Initiated by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2014, aims to help cities around the world to become cities that are resilient in facing physical, social and economic disruption, not only the challenges posed by climate change.


The Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Networks (ACCCRN) program is an initiative to develop resilience networks in Asian cities in facing the impacts of climate change. This program initiated by the Rockefeller Foundation since 2008.

City Resilience Index Measurement

Measurement of Semarang City Resilience Index is carried out through two programs: (1) Urban Community Resilience Assessment (UCRA) in collaboration with World Resources Institute (WRI), (2) CRI calculation developed by ARUP.

Further Information

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