Climate-resilient urban development policies are needed to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Goal 13: Addressing Climate Change. Climate-resilient policy on the city government level can be related to Indicator 13.1.3* Percentage of local governments that adopt and implement regional disaster management strategies that are in line with the national disaster management plan/strategy (Metadata SDGs Environmental Pillar Edition II).
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has initiated a series of studies aimed at reviewing the alignment of Semarang City development planning documents with climate resilience policies in Semarang City and at the national level. In 2023, two studies supported by JICA will be carried out. “Cimate Resilience Action Study in the Semarang City Development Planning Document” aims to strengthen the current adaptation/resilience policy and enhance climate resilience action for the next Semarang City Regional Development Plan. Meanwhile, “Study on Increasing Implementation of Climate Resilience Development Strategy in Semarang: Preparation of Lesson Learn and Recommendations” aims to Reviewing policies and improving future plans for climate resilience policies in the City of Semarang through an in-depth analysis of the assessment of challenges and obstacles to implementing climate resilience policies in the City of Semarang as well as lessons from other regions.
Prof. Dr. –Ing. Wiwandari Handayani, ST, MT, MPS from the Department of Regional and City Planning, Diponegoro University led the studies and collaborated with IKUPI. Results of the studies are expected to provide input for the Semarang City and national governments to provide a list of climate resilience actions and provide lessons and recommendations for building climate resilience at the city level that is in line with policies at the national level.