Sosialisasi Penataan Ruang sebagai Upaya Mitigasi Bencana di RW XVII Kelurahan Srondol Wetan, Kecamatan Banyumanik, Kota Semarang


Semarang is a city that has a high level of flood risk. High land use change over time over time, the risk of flooding in Semarang City will increase in the future. Less cover land will result in less water infiltration into the soil and result in prolonged drought in the dry season. Conversely, reduced land cover will also have an impact on the greater the runoff of rainwater to the surface at finally resulting in a major flood disaster in the rainy season. One of the areas affected by flooding in Semarang City is the area of ​​RW XVII, Srondol Wetan Village. RW XVII area Srondol Wetan was affected by flooding due to the overflow of rivers in the area which occurred during the rainy season. Condition Poor drainage and lack of water infiltration have contributed to the overflowing of rivers in the area. To do mitigation through physical development and improvement activities in the area requires a long process and time, however In this rainy season, floods have occurred at least twice during the beginning of 2019. Therefore, to reduce the impact and losses after the flood, mitigation is needed by raising awareness and increasing the ability to face disaster threats by the community through socialization of spatial planning so that the community be able to anticipate the loss and damage caused in the event of a disaster in the area. The purpose of this service is to provide socialization / outreach to the community about the importance of spatial planning as well reducing the risk of flooding in the region. The target of this community service activity is its socialization reducing flood risk for the community, providing  awareness to the public about the importance of disaster management, reduce the risk of future flooding events.

Keywords: Flood, Socialization, Spatial Planning

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