Establishment of Resilient Kelurahan on Disaster (Katana) Lempongsari as an Effort toward Resilient Semarang

Kelurahan Tangguh Bencana (Katana) is a sub-district that can independently adapt to potential disaster threats, as well as recover quickly from the adverse impacts of disasters (Perka BNPB No.1/2012). As one of Semarang City’s efforts to build city resilience against the impacts of climate change, Semarang City has initiated the formation of a Katana through […]

IKUPI becomes part of the Training on Disaster Risk Reduction (PRB) and Climate Change Adaptation (API) in Manokwari, West Papua Province

The Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (API) was held in Manokwari, West Papua on 2-7 August 2017. The workshop was initiated by USAID by collaborating with several partners as speakers and facilitators, namely: HOPE Worldwide Indonesia, Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of West Papua Province, University of Papua, University of Khairun-Ternate, […]

Optimizing The Role Of Dasawisma (Women Group In Household Level) In Disaster Risk Reduction Initiative

The disaster risk reduction program continues to be carried out by Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Semarang City. In 2019, BPBD had the initiative to increase community resilience to disasters by optimizing the role of dasawisma. One of the activities carried out was by conducting socialization to PKK or women group representatives related to disaster risk […]

Disaster Preparedness Group In Susukan Subdistrict, Bandarjo Subdistrict, And Lerep Village

Mercy Corps (MC), Mercy Corps Indonesia (MCI), Ecometrix Solutions Group (ESG), and AtmaConnect collaborate to implement the TRANSFORM Program (Inter-regional Flood Risk Management through Information Technology Governance and Innovation). This program is conducted in the Garang watersheds area, which is within the administrative area of ??Semarang City and Semarang Regency, Central Java. Objective of the […]

Kick Off Meeting Implementation Plan For Increasing Community Preparedness for Disaster

Semarang Regency is flooded by several rivers, one of them is Garang River which is one of the largest rivers with 204 km2 watershed coverage,upstream in Semarang Regency and flows to West Flood Canal, Semarang City.Mercy Corps (MC), Mercy Corps Indonesia (MCI), Ecometrix Solutions Group (ESG),and AtmaConnect collaborate to implement the TRANSFORM Program. As part […]

Community Preparedness Training To Flood Disaster In West Flood Canal Area In Semarang

The Flood Resilience Program for the Flood Area in the West Flood Canal Area of Semarang City is a collaboration between Mercy Corps Indonesia andthe Initiative for Urban Climate Change and Environment (IUCCE) and the Initiative for Regional Development and Environmental Management (IRDEM) with funding from the Zurich Foundation to help the communities have the careful planning […]