Water Dialogue Program is a collaboration program between the Dutch Government (RVO) and the Provincial Government of Java Central Java which aims to overcome land subsidence on the north coast of Central Java (especially Semarang and Demak), through the Preparation of Assessment Documents and an Adaptation and Mitigation Roadmap of Land Subsidence of Central Java Province. The preparation of this document was facilitated by the Water Dialogue Consortium which consisting of Wetlands International, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Universitas Diponegoro (Undip), Kota Kita, Deltares, and Witteveen+Bos, in collaboration with the Central Java Provincial Government. The outputs of this program are strategies as well as adaptation and mitigation actions to decline the land subsidence in Central Java Province, which is outlined in three main documents: (1) Assessment of the Economic Impact of Subsidence in Semarang and Demak, (2) Roadmap of Land Subsidence Adaptation and Mitigation in Central Java Province, and (3) Recommendations for Land Subsidence Adaptation and Mitigation of a roadmap for adaptation and mitigation of land subsidence is an important first step towards more coordinated efforts to minimize the risk of land subsidence and related impacts into a timeframe with clear targets.