Climate resilience is generally understood as a response to survive, adapt, and transform to the disturbances in various urban and rural areas due to climate change. Strategic steps in realizing climate resilience need to be optimized with various efforts through the participation of various parties, especially the community, as the main party is directly affected. […]
Category: Knowledge Development
Water Dialogue Program
Water Dialogue Program is a collaboration program between the Dutch Government (RVO) and the Provincial Government of Java Central Java which aims to overcome land subsidence on the north coast of Central Java (especially Semarang and Demak), through the Preparation of Assessment Documents and an Adaptation and Mitigation Roadmap of Land Subsidence of Central Java […]
Collaboration between IKUPI, IAP of Central Java Province, and CURE-UNDIP in a Book Development entitled “Urban Climate Resilience: Concepts, Practices, Instruments, and Governance”
City resilience is a condition where the city already has sufficient capacity to deal with various disturbances, including due to climate change. Multidimensional or multi-sectoral understanding and involvement of various stakeholders are needed to realize urban resilience. The realization of urban resilience is also influenced by how this multidimensional or multi-sectoral understanding is accommodated in […]
Mobilizing Policy (In) Capacity to Fight COVID-19: Understanding Variations in State Responses
Abstract The objective of this collection of essays is to gain insights into the different national-level state responses to COVID-19 around the world and the conditions that shaped them. The pandemic offers a natural experiment wherein the policy problem governments faced was the same but the responses they made were different, creating opportunities for comparison […]
Rechanneling the City Guideline Document
Rechanneling the City is a design concept to improve water management in areas with relatively dense population and buildings through optimization the function of water infrastructure in urban areas. The functional of water infrastructure is maximizing through increasing additional capacity for storage, infiltration and regulation of water flow. Improvements in water infrastructure expected to improve […]
Resilient Kampung Guideline Document
Climate change has posed a bigger challenge to the development of Indonesian cities and increased social and economic vulnerability for communities. Higher rainfall intensity, sea-level rise, storm surges, slowly give losses to the cities and its people: loss of livelihoods for coastal communities due to tides and abrasion, damage to houses and residential infrastructure and […]
Regional Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation (RAD-API) of Semarang City Document
Climate change has been recognizing as one of the main issues in creating sustainable development. Climate change is the 13th goal of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which calls for action at the national level to tackle climate change and its impacts. The impact has felt by the world’s population, including the increase in the incidence […]
Urban Community Resilience Assessment Document
Cities are key players in the global movement to address the threats posed by climate change. They invest in climate-resilient infrastructure, information management systems, and risk-reduction programs. But poor urban residents who live in risk-prone areas are often left out of the planning and implementation process, leaving them more vulnerable to extreme climate-related events. The […]
City Resilience Index Document
City Resilience Index (CRI) is a new method to understand the resilience of a city. CRI was organized through a fairly long process, approximately three years, considering entering various cities throughout the world. This tool is well designed, and cities in the world are expected to be able to use it as a tool for […]
Sustainability of Selected Agricultural and Industrial Clusters in Central Java
Abstract Central Java has been developing with the support of the largest number of rural based agricultural and industrial clusters that share the significant of employment rate. Located between two big Provinces namely West Java and East Java those are more favorable at least in terms of location for investors to establish large urban based […]