We Are
IUCCE stands for Initiative for Urban Climate Change and Environment. In 2018, IUCCE decided to rebrand become IKUPI so that local partner such as Disaster Preparedness Groups (KSB), PKK, Community Empowerment Institutions of sub-district (LPMK) and organization which has been cooperating in IKUPI program activities can be more familiar. This organization is located in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. The centrality of our home based city in Indonesian context has inspired the organization values and missions. As the city itself, IUCCE is a hub where stakeholders representing academic, government, civil society as well as private sector are embraced to promote sustainability in urban areas, especially within Indonesian context. IUCCE provides space for those who concern with improving adaptive capacity of urban areas to cope with climate change and changing environment.
The Vision and Mision of IKUPI
The Vision
“Become a catalyst institution for the realization of a climate-resilient city and act as a pool of experts to support the realization of environmentally sound development”
The Mision
Facilitating multi-disciplinary synergies in supporting urban development that is environmentally sound, sustainable, and responsive to change
climate. (Multi-disciplinary Collaboration)
Developing knowledge and innovation for the creation of climate-resilient cities (Knowledge Development)
Developing stakeholder capacity (Strengthening Stakeholders Capacity)
Policy advocacy to target policies that are responsive to climate change. (Policy Advocacy)
Strategic Plan of IKUPI
IKUPI Strategic Plan is a 5-year document containing strategies or directions for making decisions that are useful for achieving our goals and values.
Our Team

email : rukuh@ikupi.org
Rukuh Setiadi is the Executive Director of IKUPI. He has a background in urban planning (Universitas Diponegoro) and holds a doctoral degree in urban environmental policy from Griffith University. He is also a senior lecturer in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at Universitas Diponegoro and a researcher at the SDGs Centre of the university. He is a contributing author of the 6th Assessment Report of the IPCC. He gained training, research and collaboration experiences in a number of projects funded by national and international organizations such as Astra International, BAPPENAS, GIZ, IIED, MercyCorps Indonesia, Rockefeller Foundation, UCLG-ASPAC, UN-Habitat and the World Bank. He is interested in the intellectual space between policy and governance of various contemporary urban topics such as climate change, urban resilience, green economy and waste to energy.

email : purnomo@ikupi.org
Purnomo Dwi Sasongko is the Advisory Board and Co-Founder of IKUPI. His educational background is city development planning. He actively involved in city development planning process and environmental conservation. The experiences he has includes as a City Resilience Officer (CRO) in 2014 – 2017, Global Social Innovation and Resilience Fellowship in 2013-2014 (Waterloo University and Rockefeller Foundation), and coordinator of ACCCRN Program for Semarang in 2011 – 2016. He also has interest in climate change issue with all of its implications as well as arts and culture.

email : budi@ikupi.org
Budi Prakosa is the Advisory Board of IKUPI. He is an expert in city planning and management, infrastructure planning, environment issue, sustainable development, and green open space development. He has interest in agricultural cultivation of horticultural crops.

email : gunawan@ikupi.org
Gunawan Wicaksono is the Advisory Board of IKUPI. He is responsible for setting the general policy of IUCCE as well as perform roles and responsibilities of each member of the Board. Gunawan is an expert in environment issues, climate change, and city resilience for over 20 years.

email : jawoto@ikupi.org
Jawoto Sih Setyono is the Advisory Board of IKUPI. His background is a professional planner for a couple of years before working as university lecturer in urban and regional planning till now. Joined IKUPI since its first establishment, he has been involving on several projects in training, research and publication managed by IKUPI. While his main interest is mostly on institutional dimension of planning at various scales as well as on climate change and environment issues.

email : mega@ikupi.org
Mega Anggraeni is the Program Manager of IKUPI. She has a background in environmental engineering and science. She has an interest to explore the environmental science, green house gasses emissions, climate change, and resilient city. She is also officiate as a City Resilience Officer (CRO).

email : wiwandari@ikupi.org
Wiwandari Handayani is the Internal Expert of IKUPI. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in urban and regional planning (UNDIP), master degrees in urban and regional planning (ITB) and population studies (ANU-Australia), and holds a doctoral degree from the University of Stuttgart – Germany in Regional Development Planning. At this time, is an associate professor at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering – Diponegoro University. She actively involves in works related to urban sustainability and resilience since 2011. She was in the team of Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN)-Rockefeller program in Semarang city, performed as M&E coordinator for several projects implemented in 2011-2014. She contributed ideas and insights for promoting Resilient City in Semarang and some other areas in Indonesia since 2015. She also actively promotes some Urban Climate Resilient Programs such as the Water as Leverage (WaL) supported by the Netherlands Government since 2018. She is also officiate as a City Resilience Officer (CRO).

email : feri@ikupi.org
Feri Prihantoro is the internal expert of IKUPI. He experienced in sustainable development issue, especially at the grassroot level that focuses on climate change through the Climate Smart Development. Climate Smart Development is integrating the climate change adaptation and mitigation into development activities which provide benefits to the public welfare. He also experienced in project management and facilitation techniques in collaborative process group.

email : luthfi@ikupi.org
Muhammad Luthfi Eko Nugroho is the Internal Expert of IKUPI. His educational background is urban and regional planning. He has practical experience in various fields, including: urban and regional planning, infrastructure planning, environment, sustainable development, climate change, disaster risk reduction, community empowerment, and city resilient. He is also officiate as a City Resilience Officer (CRO).

email : nurhadi@ikupi.org
Moh Nurhadi is the Internal Expert of IKUPI and advisory, trainer, and facilitator in various environmental management programs, especially related to climate change. He has more than 10 years in international cooperation, capacity building and environmental policies. Currently, he more focus to GHG emissions analysis and its mitigation; climate risk analysis and the adaptation as well as integration of mitigation and adaptation to climate change. He conduct studies of policy instruments, financing and gender justice that supports the implementation of mitigation and adaptation to climate change. All his interest is framed within the framework of multi-level governance. He is also familiar with project management, organizational development, and consultation as well as empowerment group.

email : aniessads@gmail.com
Aniessa Delima Sari is the External Expert of IKUPI. She has a vast experience in managing and implementing projects on urban climate change resilience and sustainable development, and in providing trainings and assistance on organizational development, project management, and concept proposal writing. She has a background in chemistry (Universitas Indonesia) and holds a Master degree in Climate Change and International Development from the University of East Anglia, UK (Awarded with Chevening Scholarship). She holds a Certification of Project Management and Development Professional (APM Group) and Certification of Managing for Execution from School of Industrial and Labour Relations, Cornell University. She was the only Indonesian selected for the Entrepreneurship Leadership Program for Cohort VII, a joint program between Portland State University and Mercy Corps, competing with other applicants from over 30 countries. She is currently working as the Project Manager of LOCALISE SDGs for the United Cities and Local Governments Asia Pacific (UCLG ASPAC) which has over 10 years of experience working in various sustainable development projects and consultancies work including those funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, Mercy Corps, Z Zurich Foundation, USAID, the World Bank, and the European Union. She has also provided institutional development assistance for both nonprofits and SMEs, including IKUPI, BINTARI Foundation, and DIFA.