The Flood Disaster Contingency Plan Documents in 8 Sub District in West Flood Canal Area, Semarang City

The Contingency Plan document is a document containing action plans for the KSB activities on pre, during and post disaster. This Flood Disaster Contingency Plan is prepared by the Disaster Preparedness Group (KSB) of Manyaran, Petompon, Kalipancur, Bulustalan, Krobokan, Bulu Lor, Cabean and Panggung Lor sub district consisting of various community elements with facilitation from the Initiative for Urban Climate Change and Environment (IUCCE). This document is prepared as guidance on the community preparedness in the region to cope with floods. Each urban village has 1 Document of the Flood Disaster Contingency Plan in according to condition and result of discussion from each region.

The Contingency Disaster Recovery Plan document consists of several chapters, namely the introduction which contains the background of document formulation and objectives in the preparation of the document, followed by the general description of the region as a description of the geographical, demographic, socio-economic conditions of the region, and the location of the flood affected in the region. The next chapter of the flood preparedness procedure, it describes the procedures before and during the floods, evacuation routes and evacuation sites in the event of a disaster and the completeness of the preparedness of the community. The document also displays the structure of the Disaster Preparedness Group with the scope of the sub district. There is good information about the role, tasks, contact information and the important numbers to facilitate the communication when the flood disaster occurs.

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