The national seminar “Transportation in Building the Country” was held on January 9, 2019, at the Patra Jasa Hotel Semarang. The event was attended by the Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Home Affairs,Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Governor of Central Java, Mayor of Semarang,Mayor of Toyama, Japan, and other invited guests consisting of OPD, NGOs, and companies in collaboration with BLU Trans Semarang in procurement of gas fuel for BRT transportation in the city of Semarang. Several series of events were carried out, namely the grand launching of the use of Gas Fuel (BBG), theTalkshow “Transportation Building the Country”, and the Workshop”Development of Low Carbon Emission Public Transportation in the Semarang City”.
The first event was the opening remarks from Mr. Masasi Mori as Mayor of Toyama, Japan, Mr.Ganjar Pranowo as Governor of Central Java, and Mr. Drs. Budi Setiyadi, SH,M.Si as Director General of Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation. In the opening remarks, the message conveyed was how the Semarang City Government can concretely continue to improve the quality of Semarang City public transportation services to lead to a sustainable low-emission community. After the opening remarks,followed by the grand launching of the use of Gas Fuel (BBG) on BRT public transport by the Director General of Land Transportation, namely Drs. Budi Setiyadi, S.H., M.Sc, Director General of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, namely Dr. Ir Djoko Siswanto, MBA, Plt Director General of Regional Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs, namely Drs. Eduard Sigalingging, M.S, Assistant Deputy for Multilateral Economic Cooperation and Financing, Ministry of Economic Affairs, namely Dr. Rizal Edwin Manansang AK,M.Sc, Central Java Governor, namely Ganjar Pranowo, Mayor of Toyama, namely Mr.Masashi Mori, and Mayor of Semarang, namely Hendrar Prihadi.
After the grand launching event, followed by a Talk show “Transportation to Build the Country” with Cak Lontong as moderator and the speakers is Drs. Budi Setiyadi ,SH, M.Si as Director General of Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation, Alimuddin Baso, ST, MBA as Director of Oil and Gas Infrastructure Planning and Development, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ir. Tulus Hutagalung, MT as Assistant Deputy for the Multimodal Transportation System of the Ministry of Economy, and Drs. Eduard Sigalingging,M.Sc as Plt Director General of Regional Development, Ministry of Home Affairs.In the talk show, the speakers explained about transportation problems that have ever existed in Indonesia, as well as conveying what has been done by the central government to support the performance of the local government and hopes from the central government for local governments, especially the Semarang City.After giving exposure, the speakers were given questions and input so that the central and local governments could mutually commit to improve the quality of public services.
Thetalkshow ended at 12.00 p.m followed break by national seminar participants.The next event is Workshop “Development of Low Carbon Emission Public Transportation in the Semarang City” was divided into 2 sessions. Speakers at the first session is Ade Bhakti Ariawan, SH as Head of BLU Trans Semarang,Agung Budi Margono, ST, MT as Deputy Chairperson of Semarang City Parliament,Sabarudin as Director of PT Gagas Energi Indonesia, Yoga Adiwinarto as Country Director of ITDP, and Lauren Sorkin as Managing Director for Asia Pacific,100RC. While the moderator in the first session IS Dr. Ing Wiwandari Handayani, ST, MT, MPS. In the workshop the first session of each resource person explained the contribution that has been made to the progress of transportation in the Semarang City, as well as the hope for the Semarang City in creating the sustainable low emissions transportation plan.
While the speakers at the second session of the workshop is Dr. Rizal Edwin Manangsang AK, M. Sc as Assistant Deputy for Multilateral Economic Cooperation and Financing, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Dr. Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho as Program Manager of IGES, Adi Pranasatrya as the Head of PT. SMI, Udi Beran as Program Director for SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS, GIZ Indonesia, and Dr. Nelson Simanjuntak as Head of the Center for Cooperation Facilitation, Ministry of Home Affairs. The moderator in the second session is Rukuh Setiadi, ST, MEM, Ph.D.In the workshop on second session, the speakers explained the programs that had been carried out for the Semarang City in the field of transportation, as well as program programs that could be a reference for the Semarang City Government to advance the public transportation in Semarang City. The hope, with the National Seminar on “Transportation in Building the Country” can make Semarang City proud of what has been achieved so far, especially in the field of transportation and provide motivation to the Government of Semarang City and other cities in Indonesia to create quality and sustainable low emissions communities, one of them through transportation management.