Climate change has been recognizing as one of the main issues in creating sustainable development. Climate change set as the 13th goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which is calls for action at the national level to tackle climate change and its impacts. In 2019, the Semarang City Government initiated a study to formulate a Regional Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation (RAD API) as an effort to increase community resilience to climate change.
RAD API contains efforts to minimize risks and anticipate the impacts of climate change through the identification of a series of adaptation strategies, which then translated into climate change adaptation programs involving all stakeholders in the city of Semarang. The process of formulating a choice of action or strategy for climate change adaptation in Semarang City is carried out through a discussion process with various related stakeholders, as parties who better understand the real conditions in each sector or region. So, the action or strategy can be right on target. Therefore, in November 2019 a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activity is carried out in the formulation of the Semarang City Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan as an effort to accommodate input and formulate an effective climate change adaptation action or strategy.
In the process, IKUPI collaborates with BAPPEDA Semarang City and Universitas Diponegoro to support community capacity building to climate change. Apart from formulating climate change adaptation actions, the discussion process also aims to: (1) increase participants’ knowledge and understanding of climate change and (2) disseminate information about the preparation of the Regional Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation (RAD-API) in Semarang City document.
Documents can be downloaded in the section of “Knowledge Development > Reports/Activity Documents”